About Patti Davis

Patti Davis is an author, journalist and screenwriter. She has published non-fiction books, including The Long Goodbye and The Lives Our Mothers Leave Us as well as fiction, including Till Human Voices Wake Us, The Blue Hour, and The Earth Breaks in Colors. Her original screenplay, Sacrifices of the Heart, was made by Hallmark. She writes frequently for The Washington Post. Her most current novel is The Wrong Side of Night.

42 Responses to About Patti Davis

  1. alex m. banias says:

    You are such a beautiful woman! I just wanted to say that I am a conservative and a big fan of your father’s. However, I wanted to thank you for writing “I Wish You Peace” with Bernie Leadon. I just finished listening to it, and it is truly a lovely tune. Thank you and Wishing You Peace, Health and Happiness Always!

  2. Jane May says:

    Dear Patti, yes, it was a time that was magical, the sixtie’s and 70’s. As for the present I didn’t know you were involved in so many animal groups. I really admire that, I didn’t know such cruel practices were still going on, please keep posting it.

  3. My family and I loved and admired your mom and late father so much. Our deepest condolences to you and the rest of your family. I am proud to have served in the military under Ronald Reagan and witnessed your mom behind him all the way….a Great Woman. As I wipe away tears, I can see them reunited again, dancing in heaven.

    Respectfully Yours,

    The Bacon Family

  4. Patti,
    Courage and fortitude are in the Davis-Reagan gene makeup you embody. You are a blessing to many, many you will never meet! Condolensces on your loss. Mom’s are great and mine is 92 and well and from your mothers era. JMO that era will never be again!

  5. Rob Keiser says:

    Very moving eulogy. Beautifully done.

  6. Bill Kleines says:

    Hi Patti,
    Your beautiful eulogy today for your mom touched my heart of hearts.
    I am also grateful for your inspiring book “Angels Don’t Die”.
    Ever since my high school years in the late 1960’s living near Berkeley,CA I dearly loved your dad. I greatly admired all his beautiful spiritual qualities especially the way he loved your mom. His example helped me be a good man and a good husband. I have been a Christian Science Practitioner for the past 30 years. One of my first patients wrote the following poem in memory of her twin sister who had passed when they were 93 years:
    “Just around the corner
    A little out of sight,
    Your loved one walks ahead of you
    Into Eternal Light.
    Just around the corner
    She sees a brighter view
    And many of her loved ones
    At last can see her too.
    Although your work is not finished here
    You know God hears your prayer
    That someday ’round that corner
    You’ll find her standing there.”

    I’m grateful to you and your entire family for being such an inspiration to me, and to my family.
    Lots of love,

  7. Cyndy Atkins says:

    May you and your brother Ron find peace and serenity during this time of loss. Both of you are an inspiration to so many of us that are your age.

  8. Richard Kellogg says:

    The eulogy for your mother was poetic, elegant, and timeless. You had wonderful parents and it is a great blessing that you achieved such closeness with them before their passing. You are a superb writer and have many “miles to go before you sleep.” Keep up the good work.

  9. Henry Vinson says:

    This superbly written book is a must read. I enjoyed every page of The Earth Breaks In Colors.

  10. With the passing of your mother and your touching eulogy, I wanted to offer you some insights about the beautiful worlds beyond this one. I wrote about this is my book, A Second in Eternity. And may you continue to enlighten the world, Patti!


  11. Jeff Kahn says:

    Hi Patti,
    Thank you for such an inspiring eulogy of your mom yesterday.
    I am encouraging my friends to listen to your talk.
    Sharing your thoughts and baring your soul in public must be very daunting.
    I wish you much privacy as you desire.
    Keep up your very special grace, courage, and beautiful wisdom. Your voice will be heard and cherished on the other side and this side.
    Stay great!!

  12. Beth Pearson says:

    Patti – I am sorry for the loss you are dealing with at this time, Nancy portrayed a very strong, but kind personality. Watching the service, and other news reports, reminded me that your family has also suffered from the dreadful Alzheimer’s disease. Our family is facing that now, with my mother at the stage that she does not know me anymore. I am thankful she still knows my Dad, and that she knows her Jesus. I believe that she, like President Reagan has been, will be healed one day. May God bless you as you go ahead in your life.

  13. Richard Higgins says:

    Hi Patti! Your old friend from Chicago! Time goes on sorry for your lost of your mom! You may not remember me its been many years! Thought I send you and family a note! I hope remain writing your mom was part of history we can remember! Patti we all lost so many friends I only wish you best in future! You were so nice to me I remember Peace love from a old friend!

  14. Richard Kellogg says:

    Thanks to your courageous stand, it appears that Will Ferrell and the Hollywood moguls are now rethinking the comedy film which mocks your father’s struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. It is not a coincidence that news of the movie was released so soon after your mother’s passing. Kudos to you and to your brother for reacting with such compassion and empathy for those families dealing with this problem in their daily lives.

    I was honored to have a short story titled “Uncle Bob’s Browning” published in the new anthology “All American Sports Stories.” In my memoir about deer hunting, the point is made that children continue to love and respect their elderly relatives even after they have been diagnosed with dementia and related neurological disorders.

    Finding a cure for Alzheimer’s is one of the great challenges of this generation. Your work toward this goal is truly an inspiration. Thank you for those efforts and best wishes for success with all of your future writing and speaking projects. You are making a difference.

  15. Andi says:

    You stand tall for the important issues!
    We share the sorrows of Alzheimer’s and the loss of our loved ones spark.
    We also share the sorrows of the objectified young woman.
    We lost some of our spark and innocence by one who did not have our best interest at heart, but his.
    I admire your courage to stand up and to stand out!
    You give us courage to speak up. Thank you.

  16. Shirley Green says:


    You are such a strong lady…how I wish I had just a small amount of strength. Thank you for all you do for Alzheimer’s…you are an ANGEL!!

  17. David Poole says:

    Patti: I am a big fan of your father’s. I have a bust of him sitting outside my office. I was a volunteer at the 1976 RNC in Kansas City Mo when he lost to Ford. I agree with your recent comments on Trump and Republican’s silence. I did not vote for the man, but believe many did out of fear. The same fear causes the silence to this man. Best wishes to you. This too shall pass.

  18. Katharina Harlow says:

    My dear friend from bygone days,
    Aa a child at Douglas Ranch Camp, I loved you. Your funny stories, your heartbreaking stories, the way you could ride swim and sing, your twinkling smile and loyalty.
    Then we met again later at the Bishop’s School, but that was during exam time, and though I wished to play with you, I had to study.
    Your written works are pure and captivating. Thank you.
    I’m old now and have thought of you hundreds of times and have wanted to see you again, but life’s adventures, commitments, tragedies and joys continue to swirl. I know you know. I decided to reach out because I’m crying about the fires, thinking of you and your dear daddy’s presidential library. I hope you remember me even a bit as I remember you, dear childhood camping friend. But even if you don’t, that’s okay. I’m a literate fan of your written words. Avanti!
    With kindest regards,
    Katharina (Kathy) Harlow
    Pacific Grove

  19. Joy josue says:

    I would be honored to receive an autographed book plate or photo,
    thank you

    Joy Josue
    L1 b5 Camden Street
    Brookside hills
    1900 Cainta Rizal Philippines

  20. David Zermeno says:

    Dear Ms. Davis,
    I grew up when your parents were President and First Lady of our country. I remember being shocked when I received a card from your father when I wrote to him wishing him a speedy recovery from the attempt on his life. He got us through a difficult time in our country’s history. I wanted to thank you for your family’s contributions to bettering our country. I am an elementary school teacher and I still view him as one of the best presidents of the twentieth century. Is it possible to get a signed bookplate for my mother’s book and, if it’s not asking too much, a signed photo for myself? Thank you!

    • Patti Davis says:

      I can send you a book plate, just send me your mother’s name and address.
      Best, Patti

  21. John DeFilippo says:

    On CNN!

  22. Sean P. Geaney says:

    Hello Patti,
    We hope this finds you well. My Mom (Lily) and I live in Bucks County,Pennsylvania and always considered your father our Favorite President. Ronald Reagan has a special place in our hearts 💕 and I’m glad that you were able to mend fences with him in his later years.

  23. John Frank says:

    Hello, hope you are well. I bought a book, written by your mother, from a second hand book store. In the back of the book I found a hand written letter from your mother to the person who had originally purchased the book. I was wondering if you would like to have it. Please let me know.

    John Frank

  24. Robyn Brown says:


    Loved the book floating in the deep end. Thank you for sharing.
    I am a regional nurse for Calson Management who run memory care communities. We are wondering if we can buy autographed book(s) from you to give to families that are trying to make decisions about their loved ones? You offer great information that these families are searching for.

    Thank you again for sharing,

    • Patti Davis says:

      The easiest would be if you get some books from Amazon or wherever and I send you a bunch of signed bookplates. If you give me a mailing address I can get those to you promptly. Thanks so much!

  25. Robert in Bethesda says:

    Dear Ms. Davis. I live in Bethesda, Maryland, in the same neighborhood where your mother, Nancy Reagan, lived for 5 years as a young girl with her aunt and uncle, at 7818 Glenbrook Rd. She would later return to the street for a visit in 1980 and kindly wrote a note to a neighbor’s child, “Dear Alex I hope that you enjoy living where I enjoyed playing ‘kick the can.'” Politics aside, I was very touched by that story and the way she could relate to others (evident as well in her compassionate influence during the AIDS crisis). I wanted to mention that the house was just sold to a builder and it appears it is about to be torn down. I wish it could be saved and turned into a historic site in her honor. If you had any ideas about that, please feel free to send me an e-mail. Thanks from a big fan of yours as well.

  26. Peter Hovis says:


    Do not let anyone tell you otherwise….tomorrow, 21 October, belongs to you…..

    Happy Birthday!

    With God’s Love and Hugs,
    Peter and Rebecca Hovis

    …..and RJ Hamster – Travis – our hamster….and, Pearl and Lady Grey – the cats

  27. Art Masters says:

    Ms. Davis,

    Heard in news media that today Oct 21, is your B’Day! Continued luck in your writing and speaking out on your issues.

    Had the chance to meet you in person almost 20 yrs ago in Southern New England, when you were doing a speaking tour (I think it was your only area appearance in Worcester, MA at the time) A mutual contact was able to have us briefly meet and you were able to connect me with an important contact on a matter I was working on at the time.

    Even though it was way long ago, almost 20 yrs. it was never forgotten! The end result was the interest I was representing was satisfied with the results.

    Again, thanks. God bless.

  28. Robert S. says:

    As an undergraduate student, I have found your new book “Dear Mom and Dad” to be very interesting and beneficial. The perspective and discernment that you have acquired is inspiring. If I send you my address, would you be willing to provide me with a signed bookplate?

  29. Bill Hine says:

    Just finished DEAR MOM AND DAD. Thank you for sharing your memories. I met your dad (once, briefly) while a freshman at Yale in 1967. A small group of us were having breakfast in the Timothy Dwight College dining hall when in walks the Governor, who introduced himself and joined us, sitting right across the trestle table from me! I found him to be quite congenial, not anything like the hard-nosed reactionary that campus liberals had made him out to be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV99pm906tU Disclaimer: I did NOT vote for him in either 1980 or 1984. Am I forgiven?

  30. Peggy Brady says:

    I want to thank you for “The One Thing Everyone Is Missing About Hunter Biden’s Case”. No one has written as complete an expression of what this case means about and to Hunter Biden, all of the Bidens and to so many others like him, albeit less famous. An awful lot of us are in that boat with a member of their family in the grips of drugs and/or of alcohol making choices we wish they wouldn’t. Our time is spent more often saddened than angry. I am so grateful to have found your Guest Opinion in the New York Times right after getting off the phone with my own brother who has been in the grips of his addition for almost 50 years now. I wish you continued success and happiness and more and more writing to share with the world that desperately needs it right now.

  31. Robert Campos says:

    Dear Ms. Davis,
    Thank you for your op-ed piece in the NYT today. These words echo in my mind: “I have seen some in that tunnel who understand, with chilling cruelty, how to prey on addicts and have no pangs of conscience about doing so.” So much of the recovery “industry” has made a subtle embrace of this twisted thinking. I wanted to share a film that gives me hope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liZq31HLnyA&t=827s

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