Dear Rest of the World,
You have undoubtedly noticed that America now has, ensconced in the White House (when he’s not on the golf course) a less-than-sane individual. To make matters worse, he is shadowed by a rumpled man who is chillingly sane but thoroughly evil, a man who whispers in the ear of our elected leader while steering him toward the dark side. He is the puppet-master. On the end of his strings is a president who seems to vacillate between a mad King Lear raging at the storm, and Narcissus falling madly in love with his own image.
We appear to be a country that has lost its grip on reality, that is careening toward chaos. As an American citizen I would like to say that the majority of us do have a grip on reality, do not engage in “alternative facts,” and do not want to alienate the countries with whom we have had historically strong relationships. Speaking for millions of Americans, I sincerely apologize to Germany, England, Mexico, Australia, Sweden and anyone else who has been treated rudely in the past two months. No apologies are due to Russia, since our elected leader blushes with infatuation every time Russia, and more specifically, Putin, are mentioned. Or is that blush partly from fear? I believe that we will unmask what the relationship is between Donald Trump and Russia. I believe that our system of government, our system of checks and balances, is resilient enough that we will rise above these frightening times and remember who we are.
To the rest of the world, the face of America is changing. We are trying to ban refugees from our shores, in particular Muslims. Groups of Americans are chanting, “America First!” without having any real knowledge of the horrifying origins of that phrase. Legislation is moving through Congress which will allow the widespread and brutal slaughter of hibernating bears and wolves with pups on wildlife refuges in Alaska. We seem to be morphing into a country known for discrimination and savagery.
Please know that the majority of Americans do not fit this profile. We are not savages and we do not believe in shutting our borders to those escaping tyranny and war. We are finding our voice. We are marching, and writing, and protesting. We were asleep for too long, that’s how this happened. But we’re awake now and we need the countries who have always trusted us to keep trusting that ‘We the People’ is not just an idle phrase. It is what informs our life in America. It’s our identity. Those currently in the White House have forgotten that. We the people have not.
This is a frightening and embarrassing time.
to the points and well spoken as usual, thank you Patty.
An excellent statement, Patti.
And, if a sitting president goes unpunished for falsely declaring somebody guilty of a crime, we no longer have rule of law.
Trump engaged in egregious misconduct, when he did that, and must be held accountable.
your words help me keep faith that there are good, kind thoughtful people like you, out there. Your voice soothes the soul, gives hope and encourages positive action. Thank you. Marian
E pluribus unum!
Such difficult days these are. Thank you for using your voice on behalf of the great majority.
Thank you for sharing this piece. This President does not share my view of the world or this country. I am ashamed for the first time to say where I am from and afraid to leave the land I call home.
Very well said Patty. When he’s on tv i have to look away because i know he’s going to do something or say something that will make me cringe.
Putin sure knew what he was doing.
[…] can see the rest of Patti’s message as well as more of her important writings here, and please go to Amazon and pick up her latest novel, “The Earth Breaks In Colors,” […]