photoMy name is Gracie Davis. I am a first time author and the dog-child of Patti Davis, who is also an author, although at the moment my book is doing better on Amazon than her books. I’m not gloating, I’m just stating the facts. As you can see from the photo, my dog friends (that’s Lola in the photo) are very supportive of my literary career. In the interest of shameless self-promotion, I would like to give the general public a few reasons why you should buy my book:

First, if you have a dog you have probably wondered often what your canine child is thinking. At times you might even have felt that you know, that the two of you are intuitively connected. Well, my book will be a good guide for you. You will at times be elated that you actually have, at moments, deciphered your dog’s thoughts. At other times, you will be profoundly surprised at the depth and wisdom I and my canine brethren are capable of. Seriously, you need to know this stuff. For example, when you think we’re rolling our eyes at your foolish ways, we probably are.

Second, you guys have seriously messed up this planet and a little dog wisdom could go a long way toward cleaning up your mess. I offer deep philosophical ruminations on how to make the planet a more peaceful place. Like the value of rolling onto your back in a gesture of surrender. If the majority of humans did that I highly doubt there would be all these wars and conflicts. Pretty hard to fight if you’re all on your backs — I’m just saying.

Third, I pull back the covers on my personal life at home with my cat sister and of course my mother, who is seriously weird, but you probably already know that since this is her website and if you’re even reading this…well, you have to know a bit about her. So for some startling illuminations, some life-changing wisdom, and a bit of gossip thrown in, please get my memoir The Wit and Wisdom of Gracie (An Opinionated Pug’s Guide to Life) by Gracie Davis. It is now available on Amazon and we will be putting together my book appearances shortly. I’ll be doing pawgraphs, but please don’t ask me to personalize the inscriptions. That would be difficult since I don’t have thumbs.

2 Responses to A DOG’S LIFE

  1. Who could ignore the wit & wisdom of a pug? Looking forward to seeing you at Book Soup (or dog park)!

  2. […] photo" with the article is ANOTHER PUG! It turns out Gracie the pug has even written a book. LOL A DOG’S LIFE | Books By Patti Davis So, where have you been surprised by pugs recently? googletag.cmd.push(function() { […]

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